Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Longest short day ever...

I gave myself a rare treat and went in to my internship 2 hours late and slept in!! I never sleep well when Kyle is gone so I struggled falling asleep last night. Despite it being a shorter day at the school for me, I felt it dragged on!! They are doing pre-registration for 8th grade so the counselor was giving them the how-to on the form. I had to listen to the same speech 6 times. Painful. The district I'm interning in decided to go to a 7 period school day next year which eliminates an entire elective option. With a 7 period class day they can choose a year long elective such as music, language, or sports. They also can choose one semester elective such as art, EAST, or P.E. This leaves students having to choose between sports and music. If the student scored below basic (low for their grade level) they only get one semester elective because they will have interventions or longer class times to remediate them. I find this SO frustrating!! It is not fair to those students to make them chose between the arts and sports or a language fulfillment. The students deserve the opportunity to explore the arts including band and choir as well as graphic design, family and consumer science, and finance classes. I feel it's our schools responsibility to introduce culture to these students whose parents can't or won't. Ugh. Frustration.

I'll get off my soap box now.

Besides that, the day has been pretty well!! I worked at one of my two part time jobs tonight and just got home. I'm currently curled up with my baby (my cat Rosey) and watching Parenthood, my all time favorite show!!!

So good night fellow bloggers and readers and I hope it's a great week!!

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