Wednesday, January 18, 2012

American Idol!!

So my favorite show started it's 11th season tonight!! I've watched every season! I have a great group of friends who watch it together and keep track of our favorites!! It's so fun!

I ate dinner at Big Orange tonight in West Little Rock. There is no comparison to their burgers...and chips.. and ice cream. Ok, so everything there rocks! It's one of my all time favorite places to eat but it's kind of $$ so it's a treat! (broke college girl here)

It was another slightly boring day of interning. I'm beyond ready to start doing some teaching and hoping that it will help move time along. I miss my 4th graders terribly!!!! I'm hoping to get some time to visit them soon! I did however get the class decorated for our new unit on early civilizations, which means i got to play with the hot glue gun!! I'm waiting until the new unit starts so I can start teaching and progress through the unit. I'm sooooooo ready!!

Were taking roughly 80 7th graders on an incentive field trip Friday. The students who went the first semester without referrals or SAC (in school suspension) get to attend a special field trip every semester. I'm anxious to see how that all plays out. 

Well I hope everyone had a great day!! Were half way through, only 2 more days until the weekend! Woooooo!!!

Much love,

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